
why should a soul be used as I?

a personality created to serve,

how am I to emerge myself, my own,

how am I to be perceived as

anything but a beautiful fool,

a body and mind to be filled

by the likes and desires of others;

perhaps a lash to his conscience,

but not enough to make me any less burden.

if eyes are made to see vividly,

mine see only in greyscale, if

you who are able to see mountains,

my eyes coast over plains, you see

a painter’s artistry, I am condemned a forgotten canvas.

that is the product of a child raised ambitionless,

she is bound to be exploited, tis true, because

she knows no better.

a beautiful little fool, the best thing a girl can be,

but to have known nothing else?

bottled stars, I taste nothing.

tell me, how condemn me to live shackled?

I wrote this soliloquy for Ophelia because of how little the audience is able to grasp about her

personality, or her decisions, until her final act in ending her own life. To me, that shows how little control

she had over her own life and so she did the one thing only she could have entire control over: the end of it.

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